Thursday, September 5, 2013

Okay- I'm back.

It has been just over a year since I graduated.

Top ten things I've done since graduating- in no particular order- include:

1) got married
2) bought condo and patio furniture
3) 6 different jobs (worked 72 days in a row, including 1 19 hr day)
4) visited nephew Theo 3 times (not nearly enough!)
5) gave 2 public speeches
6) read 10 children/teen novels
7) turned 30
8) reconnected with highschool besties over a fun, emotion filled weekend
9) attended tango festival in Portland
10) enjoyed summer with friends- guilt free- for the first time since childhood

Top things that I miss from my former life include:

1) writing
2) reading smart books
3) thinking about ideas
4) feeling stimulated intellectually
5) drinking too much coffee

I still identify as a writer- deep down- whatever that means. So, I am going to try out blogging. Not exactly to get "back into it", since the only writing I have really done consistently throughout my life is academic writing. I want to try to explore not-so-academic writing. Here. in this blog. starting now.

a la prochaine..