Wednesday, February 21, 2007

experimental B-fasts

Today's experimental breakfast consisted of homemade vegan no rise garlic/rosemary bread and homemade vegan banana bread, with XXX mustard and homemade vegan nutella. Taylor's new girlfriend Jaea is vegan, and so are the breakfasts. My favourite combination was the nutella on B-bread with a bit of C-pepper (cayenne).
Previous experimental breakfasts:
-Multicolored pasta with fresh fruit and a dark chocolate Marscapone cheese sauce.
-Breakfast sushi; mango and oatmeal rolled in green colored crepes with chocolate soya sauce , thinly sliced strawberry ginger and minced kiwi wasabi.
-vegan crepes (mango crepes) stuffed with black beans, cilantro, mustard, and almonds.
Future experimental breakfasts:
homemade bagels with thought forms inside.
Last semester I met a girl who believed that thought forms can be transferred through food. We were taking an intro course on Buddhism together and she moved into my old place when I moved out. Though I suppose we are both living there and here at the same time, since our notions of individuality have been shattered. When she first met my roomates they asked her what sort of music she liked to listen to and she responded with 'animal sounds'. Has anyobdy heard the new album by Animal Sounds?
Over christmas it was decided that by next year we will have created a dance-mix boardgame, where everyone participates somehow, doing impressions of Michael Jackson, or Shakira,or maybe Patrick Swayze. While the details have not yet been worked out we have decided to create a sound track to accompany the far it involves mashing Gotan Project with M.I.A., at least, I would like it too. Tomorrow we are going to the Knowlton to ski beside a fireplace and polish our scrabble skills- and yes, I have finally learned to play a version other than GO- scrabble, though Go scrabbles suits my attention span best.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

brightblue is not my favourite color

Eric and I are sitting on Leah and Sam's little figeroo while they sit on Sam's Aunt's clowder of five fine felines. This afternoon I was taking a shower and Figeroo climbed all the way to the top of the shower and tried to walk along the ledge. Our shower is the standard, stand-up in the corner of any sized bathroom kind, with white stripes on plastic that looks like glass. It has maybe an inch at the top. Clearly it was not designed with pets in mind. I do not have pets in mind, though I have other things in mind. I bet that Sam's Aunt's shower was designed with pets in mind. She probably has a bathub with at least several inches around the oustside for the cats to safely walk on.
I do not plan to write anything very unimportant in this blog, I do most of that writing in my 'blog on paper'. I just want to procrastinate as much as possible while maintaining the appearance of typing a paper. Also I miss being listed as a link on sibling blogs.